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Showing posts from October 31, 2007

DFA Records Offer Free Music For November

As long as your willing to cough up some modest and not so forthright personal information, DFA Records is giving you the chance to download two songs and one video, for free through 7Digital . The songs are radio session tracks from Prinzhorn Dance School and Shocking Pinks and a video of LCD Soundsystem playing "Us Vs Them" live in Manchester. The download option expires on November 30th.

Gold Standards Labs: R.I.P.

It always a sad day when a fellow lab of the experimental musical variety closes, and with that introduction, it should be said that Gold Standard Labs has decided to shut its doors. On Monday, they made the following announcement from the GSL web site, "In recent years, we've experienced the onset of factors that have seriously limited our ability to maintain what we feel is the essence of the label; the experimental attitude and artistic freewheeling of times past are simply no longer sustainable. Rather than compromise our goals and beliefs, or allow our course to be charted by financial constraint and an industry in flux, we've decided the time has come for GSL to cease releasing new music, and to close this chapter of our story." The current home of bands like Dmonstrations, The Mars Volta, Sabertooth Tiger, as well as being the past home to Arab On Radar, GoGoGo Airheart, XBXRX, and a long list of bands. The announcemen...